Read more about the article Muro Box: My Perfect Musical Instrument I composed 100+ songs via the Muro Box App!
Yen-Ting meticulously documents his journey from selecting songs to arranging them and sharing them on the Muro Box app.

Muro Box: My Perfect Musical Instrument I composed 100+ songs via the Muro Box App!

Muro Box App Fulfills Your Music Dream! Even if you're not skilled in performance, you can still showcase your creativity and music talent proudly. Let's see how Yen-Ting Chen achieved…

Continue ReadingMuro Box: My Perfect Musical Instrument I composed 100+ songs via the Muro Box App!
Read more about the article Muro Box is My Last Piece of the STEAM Course Design Jigsaw(Taiwan)
Teacher Wang introduced to the students how the Muro Box was developed from scratch because he thinks this journey is the best example of task-based and problem-solving skill.

Muro Box is My Last Piece of the STEAM Course Design Jigsaw(Taiwan)

Music Box is also a teaching aid!Teacher Wang uses the Muro Box in his STEAM course to let students learn more about sound from making various music players and instruments!Let’s…

Continue ReadingMuro Box is My Last Piece of the STEAM Course Design Jigsaw(Taiwan)